

Find Answers To Some Common Questions

At DIGITAL MEDIA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC, we understand that you may have questions, but want to see if you can resolve it on your own without having to call. Many members have questions that are similar to each other, and we’ve paired them together in a simple-to-read list to make it easier for you.

No. We don’t believe in making you pay for something you don’t want. We find that the majority of our customers use our services on a regular basis and we do everything we can to make our service affordable.

We have a membership plan for multiple devices. Its called “DIGITAL MEDIA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC”. It allows you to get help & support for ALL your devices. It will allow you to contact us for additional help during working hours at no extra cost. And the great news is it covers tablets, cell phones, and printers too. We do everything we can to provide a total technology solution for all your devices. To learn more about our membership plans.

We can assist you with most software and hardware related problems. We have assisted thousands of customers with different problems but the most common problems we assist are: Device optimization & customization, updates, virus & malware removal, printer troubleshooting, network optimization, junk data removal, error code troubleshooting and more. No issue is too small or too large for our experts. If you are wondering what problems we can fix for you contact us and speak to one of our friendly Technology Experts who can help.

Yes, online backup is a necessity, especially if you have a lot of sensitive information stored on the computer. Sometimes hardware fails and without the proper backup you would lose your information in some cases. Our online backup is powered by Livedrive and its 100% safe and secure meaning you won’t have to worry about all your documents, pictures, videos, and more in case something happened to your computer. Our unlimited online backup service comes with every membership plan. To learn more about our membership plans.

There is a one-time setup fee of $100 which includes us to setup & configure the necessary software included in all of our membership plans. We also install a calling card on your device so you can get directly to a friendly Technology Expert when problems arise who can assist you. The setup fee is waived if you have purchased a One-Time service and you can chose which membership plan meets your needs.

We have four (4) plans available and a one-time feature. The one-time automatically adds the DIGITAL MEDIA BUSINESS SOLUTIONS LLC plan and Total Tech Security plan to make sure your technology is protected and supported. You can go to our membership page to learn more or Contact Us.

Yes you can! If you aren’t ready to become a member you can purchase the fix as needed service, it’s called One-Time which allows you to get technology support for your device to fix the problems you have. The One-Time service is a flat rate of $250 which includes a full system optimization and cleaning in addition to the fixing specific problem/s you have. Some complex problems can take over 24-48 hrs to resolve, but don’t worry you won’t pay anything more. You can go to our membership page to learn more or Contact Us.

Yes we give you the flexibility to upgrade or downgrade your membership plan. You can even pause your membership if you need to leave your device at home while you are away. We want you to get the most out of your technology and love the opportunity to serve you and your devices.

Free question & answer session with Technology Experts: 1-877-395-1514 Customer Service for existing customers: 1-877-395-1514 You can also email us at support@digitalmediabusinesssolutions.com